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Student Destinations

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Student Destinations

We are very proud of the success our present our former students have had working in the entertainment industry. Our pupils have worked for numerous theatrical, music and modelling companies. Either through our agency or once they have graduated from us, our pupils have employed the skills and experience gained at Makin’ Steps to fulfil their ambitions of working in the world of entertainment.

Student Destinations

Brett Shiels

Student Destinations

David Rudin

Student Destinations

David Rudin

Student Destinations

Sam Freeman

Student Destinations

Kayleigh McKnight

Student Destinations

Maisie Humphrey's

Student Destinations

David Rudin

Student Destinations

Sam Freeman Holly Parsons

Student Destinations

Kayleigh McKnight

Student Destinations

Kayleigh McKnight

Student Destinations

Sam Freeman

Sam Freeman - David Rudin

David Rudin

Mary Cameron

Bayley Summerfield Caroline Smith Shannon McQuillan Drew Cooper Lily Hawthorne Megan McMahon Rhianna Clark Reece Kent Luke Stokley

Other work has included

Music Videos, Professional Pantomimes, TV Commercials & Fashion/Trade Shows.