COVID-19 Policy

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Makin’ Steps Performing Arts Covid-19 Policy

V4 – Updated 1st March 2021

Policy Brief and Purpose

This policy includes the measures we are actively taking to mitigate the spread of  Covid-19. We kindly requested that you follow all the rules below to sustain a healthy and safe performing arts school in this unique time. It is important that we all respond responsibly to these health precautions and we assure you that we will always treat your private health and personal data with the highest confidentiality, sensitivity and in line with our Data policy.


Makin’ Steps is susceptible to changes with the introduction of additional government guidelines.


Policy Elements

Here, we outline the required actions that we should all take to protect ourselves and others from Covid-19.


  • If you or a member of your household have symptoms of Covid-19 such as a new continuous cough, fever or loss of taste and smell then please do not attend Makin’ Steps Performing arts classes. Please contact Makin’ Steps Covid Officer (Scott Simpson) on either 01279 834 779 or by emailing so we may follow current government guidelines and to notify staff and other families if necessary. If you have a positive test result, please inform us immediately so we can initiate our track and trace policy.


  • If you have a positive Covid-19 diagnosis, you can return to Makin’ Steps classes only after you have fully recovered having followed the government guidelines detailing self-isolation timescales, which may be subject to change.


Hygiene and Distancing Rules

  • Students are to line up outside the building, while observing social distancing, at one of our three new drop off/collections points listed on your personal timetable. Here, they will be met by a member of staff to let them in.


  • Students will then enter one at a time while sanitising their hands at one of our designated stations.


  • All persons entering the building will require a temperature check. Any reading above will 38c will require that person to return home and follow current government guidelines for Covid related symptoms.


  • Students will need to place their belongings in their personal area as allocated by the class teacher.


  • During class, teachers will ensure to follow government guidelines, where possible.


  • Upon finishing the class students will sanitise their hands as they leave. A member of staff will advise which exit to use to either meet their parents or to proceed to their next timetabled class. Please note, your parents will need to know which exit you will be using.


  • If a student needs to use the toilet during class, they must wash their hands before coming back into class. Toilets will be limited to 2 persons in each toilet suite at a time.
  • Makin’ Steps staff will ensure contact surfaces i.e. door handles are thoroughly cleaned before classes start.


  • Windows will be opened in classes to provide maximum ventilation.


  • Makin’ Steps classes have been adjusted to accommodate a 10-minute break for cleaning and safe movement of staff and pupils.


  • Parents will not be able to access the building at any time and must collect their children in the designated drop off/collection points while continuing to maintain social distancing measures.


National Risk Level

 If Makin’ Steps Performing arts cannot deliver classes due to force majeure or Government restrictions or situations beyond our control, we shall implement on-line classes via Zoom conferencing software as a replacement with immediate effect. No Refunds will be offered for those classes. If you cancel your classes you may lose your place in any classes that are oversubscribed due to social distancing measures.


Our cancellation procedure will still be in place.


No refunds will be given for any pupils who misses classes due being told to self-Isolate by NHS track & Trace (or equivalent service). We will endeavour (were possible) to send class information or a video of the class.