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Equal Opportunities Statement

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Equal Opportunities Statement

Makin’ Steps is fully committed to the principles and practices of Equal Opportunities Statement. We believe that widening participation and life-long learning are an integral part of our purpose and therefore strive to create an environment in which all forms of prejudice and discrimination will not be tolerated. Staff and students are supported to achieve their maximum potential, irrespective of gender, race, age, culture, social class, disability, sexuality or sexual orientation. Makin’ Steps accepts that there is a need for an Equal Opportunities policy to ensure that individuals and groups of individuals are not disadvantaged on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, creed, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation or disability. No job applicant, employee, student or prospective student should receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of the above, and no conditions should be imposed that cannot be justified on work or educationally related grounds. Regular monitoring will ensure that selection and promotion are carried out solely on the basis of their relevant aptitude, qualifications, skills, abilities and experiences. This policy is applicable to all staff, students and prospective/potential staff and students. Every member of staff and every student has a responsibility to ensure that Equal Opportunities is part of the culture of the school. Staff and management have a specific duty to actively promote Equal Opportunities within the school.

Disability Statement

Makin’ Steps recognises that people with disabilities and learning difficulties experience discrimination within society. The school is committed to providing equality of opportunity to all who study and work at the school. Our aim is to ensure that all our students can participate fully in all aspects of school life. Disability is defined in section 1 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 as follows: A person has a disability if she or he has a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse affect on his/her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. The term “physical impairment” includes sensory impairment e.g. loss of hearing, visual impairment etc. It includes disfigurement and people with a history of disability. The term “mental impairment” covers impairments relating to mental functioning, including clinically recognised mental illness and learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia. At Makin’ Steps we welcome people from all sections of the community. We undertake a full individual analysis into a student’s physical restrictions, as well as his/her strengths to determine their suitability for the very demanding physical nature of our classes. It may be the case that an individual would endanger his/her personal safety or that of other members of the class and so should be precluded from undertaking a particular activity on the grounds of health and safety. Makin’ Steps realises that any student who has a disability or learning difficulty may need special consideration or additional support in order to succeed within the school. We recognise that these needs are individual and we aim to ensure that all students have the support necessary for their individual needs. Makin’ Steps ensures all staff are aware that they must not treat students with disabilities more or less favourably than other students simple because of their disability. Our overriding teaching approach is that, so far as possible, all students should be afforded the same treatment.