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Makin’ Steps Medal Presentation

Jack Petchey Award Winner - Harlow

Makin’ Steps Medal Presentation and Christmas Disco was held at Harlow Dog Stadium on 7th December. Over 350 people attended the evening held by Makin’ Steps. Robert Halfon MP was on hand to present the Jack Petchey Awards to Makin’ Steps 2013 Achievement winners.(see picture)

Robert Also presented the medals and certificate to all the students who took their ISTD Street Dance exams at the school on the 2nd & 3rd November.

Pupils aged from 3 years up to adults had prepared for their exams over the previous few months and had to perform a selection on dances for two examiners.

We are very pleased to say that all the pupils who took the exams passed and continued our 100% pass rate that school has maintained over the past 29 years. This is also coupled with an impressive 86% of pupils gaining honours – the highest mark available.

After the awards were presented the pupils and their families danced the night away with a DJ and a bar to keep everyone hydrated!

It was a great way to end the school term ready for their Christmas break. Makin’ Steps classes resume in the new year on the 2nd January 2014.

2014 is going to be a very special year as the school celebrate 30 years of teaching performing arts in Harlow




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