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The Magic Of Christmas Review

In four separate shows over 120 youngsters set out to capture the excitement and spirit of this special time of year – and they certainly did with a highly professional performance!

I joined the sell-out audience for the Sunday afternoon performance at Potter Street Community Centre which had been beautifully transformed into a Christmas-themed stage complete with colour-changing presents.

A wonderful afternoon’s entertainment, there was something for everyone to enjoy in the wide variety of song and dance, which was at such a high standard it was hard to believe I was at a local performance and not a West End show!

Performers aged from four years upwards put their heart and soul into the varied programme, which included strong Hip Hop numbers and a breathtaking rendition of Jar Of Hearts sung by five talented young girls.

A nicely choreographed routine to The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year then showcased the talents of the school’s male performers, who danced and lifted their partners around the stage like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.

Aside from the excellent choreography and superb musical arrangements, congratulations must also go to the hidden team of volunteers behind the scenes who helped keep things running smoothly.

The whole production was a credit to school head Margaret Wright and her staff – it certainly captured the Magic Of Christmas!

The Magic Of Christmas Review

The Magic Of Christmas Review


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